StickNFind are a dishonest company – do not buy from them

The StickNFind stickers are available on a normal sales website. This is not crowd funding – this is normal sales. They are completely willing to take several hundred dollars off your hands for their tags today. There is no mention on the site of the tags being pre-release, beta, or in-development.

Yet they post this on facebook earlier today:

We have been reading the comments and wanted to address them. The StickNFind product is compatible with devices that support Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth Low Energy, and operate on Android 4.1. The SNF app is, currently, supports the Samsung S3, S3 Mini and Note 2. We are working hard to gain compatibility with the other manufacturers’ devices across the Android ecosystem.

We, in no way, are misrepresenting, conning nor scamming our supporters. The StickNFind product is still in the pre-release stages.

This is not acceptable behaviour at all.

The second a company needs to make a statement to clarify that they are not conning anyone, you know something is badly, badly wrong.

Please do not tell me that this is crowd funding – and I should expect this. They could have delayed the product so it worked (many, many tags are DoA or fail quickly) and they could have communicated the serious Android limitation

9 thoughts on “StickNFind are a dishonest company – do not buy from them

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply


    April 30, 2013 at 1:29pm

    Hi, I am BabersWallet, I am the guy who originally started to question sticknfind on twitter before the real problems began. They were ignoring emails for weeks prior to shipments and I got worried since I saw a job posting asking for an android app developer a week before the supposed delayed release date.

    My major problem with StickNfind now at this point was the lack of communication over the Android compatibility with sticknfind.

    It “works” with only sgs3 and note. That is unacceptable. I was very excited at one point but this product just isn’t ready for main stream.

    • Permalink  ⋅ Reply


      April 30, 2013 at 1:32pm

      I’ve not seen your tweets… I’ve kind of got to the stage where I have given up on this whole thing now.

      After these posts, several competitors spoke to me and have sent samples. They all knew a long time ago not to advertise Android compatibility. BLE tags can work quite well, StickNFind don’t work quite well, and certainly can’t be used in the examples they show.

      The job posting was concerning. I find the lack of communication, my ban from their facebook page, and willingness to still try selling it very concerning. There is little comeback if they ship total crap.

  2. Permalink  ⋅ Reply

    Ryan R.

    August 19, 2013 at 5:35pm


    I have a Galaxy S3. After carefully reviewing the campaign page, there were many reference to Galaxy S3, and Android support/compatibility.
    There were never any indication/caution advising that Android devices Custom Roms SticknFind would not work.

    >>Taken from Indiegogo Sticknfind funding page:
    What Smartphones does the Stick-N-Find work with?:

    Stick-N-Find works iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, New Ipad, iPad mini, New iPod touch. It also works on Android devices supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, running Android 4.0 and newer. We have tested it on the Samsung Galaxy S3, and Note 2, and it works great! (Since the support for Bluetooth 4.0 on the Samsung S3 is bad, we wrote the Buetooth drivers on our own)

    >>EMAIL FROM SticknFind
    John replied:

    We do not support custom roms, all our apps are intend for stock roms that comes with the provider or manufacturer. We have the S4 app that will probably work with your phone since your running firmware 2.2 please try to download it. In this email we have the app attachment that you can download.
    Best regards,

    John T.

    >>Refund not available per SticknFind
    John replied:
    Dear valued Customer,

    It has come to my understanding that you have been unsatisfied with your recent purchase with us regarding sticknfind Bluetooth stickers. The item that you have purchased through Indiegogo, was purchased at a special price based on the Stick-N-Find sticker’s campaign and therefore, it is not eligible for refund.
    Best regards,

    John T.

  3. Permalink  ⋅ Reply


    January 25, 2014 at 9:56pm

    I am sending my StickNfind back to brookstone tomorrow. They have been disappointing and I was not able to get them working with my Samsung Galaxy Phone. Support is horrible and I have not seen a positive review yet? But get this! Consumer Reports rated them good ????? makes a person wonder.

    • Permalink  ⋅ Reply


      January 25, 2014 at 10:20pm

      Yeah, the few positive reviews I can see are very questionable as well… sorry you didn’t see all of this before you bought them.

  4. Permalink  ⋅ Reply

    Aaron Williams

    May 26, 2014 at 9:09am

    I had issues with Stick’n find not working. I complained to them and they sent me out a special sticker that updated the firmware on my stickers. Since then it has been working quite well with my Verizon Galaxy Nexus running a custom ROM (4.4.2). They had some compatibility issues with Android such that the firmware could not be upgraded and could only be upgraded by IOS devices. It may be that they cleaned up their act.

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