iSmartAlarm – quick “teardown”

I noticed this post on the alarm forum at DIYnot. It mentions the iSmartAlarm – an alarm I’ve heard nothing about before. Smart tends to mean “connected to the Internet” which tends to mean “massive attack surface”, so I though I would have a quick look at the system and what is inside it.

The iSmartAlarm homepage is fairily standard. The alarm seems to comprise of a CubeOne at the heart of the system, with PIRs and door contacts connecting to it. The CubeOne appears to connect to your home router using a wired Ethernet connection.


On the site, their is a manual for the alarm. It’s pretty sparse really – it doesn’t seem to have many features. There is also a section called “Port forwarding” on the support section. This only seems to be concern the iCamera they provide. Port forwarding is generally a Bad Thing™ as it lets someone outside of your NAT/firewall inside.

There is nothing really juicy there, we really need some pictures of PCBs to work out what is going on. No-one seems to have torn down one yet, so I’ve got to hope the FCC have something. Most wireless devices sold in the US need to be FCC compliant, which involves submitting test reports and internal photos to the FCC. There are a few ways out of this – using ready made wireless boards like the ElectricImp, and ticking all the boxes that make the documents confidential. Thankfully, most companies only request that the schematic, block diagram, and description of operation is confidential.

How to get the FCC ID? It’s not in the manual (it rarely is), so let’s look for a photo of one of the units.

cnet oblige with a photo of the bottom of one of the units.


Off we go to the FCC OET ID search. I haven’t worked out how to link to results on here, so just enter SENIPU3 as the ID and look for yourself.

The only really interesting document is the internal photos (reposted here).

One photo really stands out – the close-up of the PCB.

PCB shot

What do we have on here then?

First thing I see, upper right, is the venerable TI CC1110 chip. This is the same chip used in the IM-ME toy that has been changed into a spectrum analyser. It’s a combined microprocessor and sub-GHz RF frontend and is very flexible. To the right of it there is a pin header labelled CLK, D, RST, GND. These are the in-circuit programming pins for the CC1110 – you can see this on Travis Goodspeed’s page about hacking the IM-ME. Firmware recovery might be possible.

There is a Ralink RT5350F which appears to be a SoC used in a lot of wireless routers. It will be providing the wireless, Ethernet and USB. The datasheet indicates this boots from SPI serial flash, which means firmware recovery is almost certainly possible. I’m guessing the slightly frazzled looking 8-pin U10 is this device.

The big Winbond chip is SDRAM.

The funny little blue blob-on-board seems to be some kind of LED driver, judging by the proximity to the connections to the LED in the casing.

Not sure what the pin header at the top of the board is. JTAG on the Ralink chip is 5-pin. Could be a serial debug port.

Searching for the first three letters of the FCC ID brings up the other components – the PIR, door contact and fob. All using the CC1110. That means two-way comms is possible.



Door contact

Door contact



This system looks fairly hackable. The CC1110 data can be sniffed no doubt, firmware recovery may be possible. The Ralink firmware almost certainly can be recovered.

I wonder if it is worth getting hold of one?

2 thoughts on “iSmartAlarm – quick “teardown”

    • Permalink  ⋅ Reply


      October 1, 2014 at 6:45am

      Yes, the magnetic next to it would indicate that.

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