I cannot name the vendor, for some *obvious* reasons
Here comes the minion lock !
Good old' mechanical locks
Credential dematerialization
Smartlocks for smart folks
What could possibly go wrong ?
Good old' mechanical locks
Mechanical locks are weak (1/4)
Mechanical locks are weak (2/4)
Mechanical locks are weak (3/4)
Mechanical locks are weak (4/4)
Mechanical locks are old
only a single key to lock or unlock
you give access to someone by giving a copy of your key
sometimes difficult to get the duplicate key back 😠
change your lock if you lost your keys
It's time to evolve !
Credential dematerialization
Credential dematerialization 101
No more physical keys, they are now data
Easy to create, assign and revoke keys
Easy to send a key to someone
One lock, multiple keys !
Dematerialized keys
Dematerialization may save our lives
Rent your flat with AirBnB and send keys to tenants
Give access to your flat to your maid between specific hours
Revoke keys if lost or no longer needed
Smartlocks for smart folks
Connected locks wanted
Ability to communicate wirelessly with a smartphone
Ability to adapt to any doors and locking systems
Easy to use
Well, almost connected ...
Your smartphone acts like a proxy
Bluetooth Low-energy
WiFi would drain the batteries
Technical challenges
Avoid sniffing and replay
Keys are data, they might be stolen more easily
What happens in case of power outage ?
Third-party service hacked, keys leaked !
Time to meet my smartlock
My sweet smartlock
Model sold in the US and the EU
Allows NFC tags and dematerialized keys
Communicates over Bluetooth Low Energy with a smartphone
Keys, authorizations and users managed in the Cloud
How it works
A CC2540 chip is in charge of handling BLE stuff
A STM32F103 microcontroller contains the logic
Dedicated apps allow the user to interact
One may swipe left or right to lock or unlock
STM32F103 - Contains logic
CC2540 - Handles BTLE
SWD Interface - Debugging
Actuator - Open/Close the lock
Actuator gears
What could possibly go wrong ?
GATT server
BLE exposes services through a GATT server
Each service provides one or more characteristics
Characteristics may be R/W accessed
A notification mechanism is provided to save power
Communicating through characteristics
Only store a limited amount of data
Communication is asynchronous
Vendors implement their own protocol
Securing the communication channel
Sniffing is easy, with affordable tools
Communications between the smartlock and smartphone MUST be encrypted
Sniffing BLE communications
using a dedicated hardware (Ubertooth, Adafruit's BLE Sniffer)
by patching smali code if an Android app is available
Cost: ~100$
Works under Windows/Linux/Mac
Adafruit's BLE Sniffer
Cost: ~30$
Works under Windows/Linux/Mac
Sniffing with Adafruit's BLE Sniffer
The provided sniffer (Python) produces a pcap file
The sniffer adds a custom wrapping layer
Provided wireshark dissector requires some fixes
I had to develop some Python classes to make scapy support this format
Sniffing reliability issues
Sniffing is not as reliable as expected
Smali patching saves a loooooot of time
Modify callbacks/methods to add debugging through java.util.Log
Difficult when dealing with obfuscated applications
Reverse-engineering the protocol
My smartlock uses two layers:
A transport layer, providing a way to send synchronous streams of bytes
An application layer, providing information to the device
Transport protocol
Trail flag (0x1)
Segment flag (0x2)
Maximum data length: 19 bytes
Application protocol
Provides acknowledgements through BLE notifications
Every packet need to be acknowledged
Implements a synchronous communication channel over BLE
First blood
The event log is transmitted in cleartext over BLE
No authentication required !
One may get the whole event log in less than a minute
Practical way to get someone's week schedule
Demo time
*No fail please*
Encrypt- What ?
Luckily, when it comes to send keys, everything is encrypted
Application data is 20-byte long (with 1-byte operation code)
48 B9 38 57 69 BE 31 12 61 61 6E 40 AD AF 37 7B 3E F6 1E 55 C3
Uh, wait, what cipher is that to produce 20 bytes of encrypted data ?
Let's fuzz a bit ...
No idea of what the data is
Starting to fuzz one byte at a time from a valid key ...
... and the lock eventually opened !
And suddenly, I was like
Demo time
*Don't call me chicken*
Extra bytes ?
Bruteforcing the first two bytes of the key make the lock open after some attempts
Vendor says this lock uses AES encryption
Encrypted data length should be a multiple of 16
So, 4 extra bytes added at the start ?
Worst crypto ever
[07/08/2015 14:45:19] lock opened by ffff02
[07/08/2015 13:01:34] manual operation by ffff02
[07/08/2015 13:01:30] manual operation by ffff02
[07/08/2015 13:00:09] lock closed by 1
[07/08/2015 12:56:54] lock opened by 480001
[07/08/2015 12:56:42] lock closed by 1
[07/08/2015 12:56:04] lock opened by 1
[07/08/2015 12:55:27] lock closed by 1
[07/08/2015 10:37:17] lock opened by c0001
[07/08/2015 10:37:08] error 8004 occured by 830001
Moreover, MSBs of user id (1) changed in the event log
Are they using .... XOR ?
Could also because of the AES/CBC and padding combination (padding oracle), but only a guess.
Blue Man in the Middle
The android app does not authenticate the smartlock
Easy to create a fake one with a computer and a BT 4.0 adapter
No need to knock the device out, it's an easy race
Sami Kamkar's RollJam style
Demo time
*Great Scott !!*
Undocumented commands
Having a deeper look at the code showed a special command
Just tried to send some bytes with that command
Smartlock completely stuck, draining battery
Demo time
*Iä, Iä, Cthulhu fhtagn*
Possible attack scenarios
Scenario #1
Capture and replay a key
BLE sniffing is not very reliable
The attacker has to be close to the smartlock
Leaves some traces in the entry log ...
Scenario #2
Blue Man in the Middle
Mocking a device is reliable
Our mocked device almost always win the race
No traces left on the device
Scenario #3
Rage against the smartlock
DoS the smartlock and drain batteries, bitch.
My sweet pwn3d Smartlock
Sends the entry log in cleartext to anyone asking for it
Undocumented features may cause a DoS
Encryption is a complete fail
The smartapp does not correctly authenticate the smartlock
Few traces left by an attacker
Responsible disclosure
Vendor has been notified in March 2015
No answer since then, even when contacted by CERT-FR
Bluetooth LE related tools
Cost <= 100$
Sniffing is reliable in a controlled environment
Bleno.js is the way to mock devices
Bluepy is perfect to communicate with devices
Expect custom protocols and hours of reverse-engineering !
What about hardware attacks ?
Firmware is read-protected (STM32 security mechanism)
I tried to bypass it through glitching, and failed
I managed to dump the RAM, but no keys in there
Not skilled enough to get the firmware, I'm afraid